Issues that can affect your birth
Main things that affect your birth: Emotional If you have any emotional issues that have gone unresolved, they can dramatically affect your birth. Nutritional It is well documented that proper nutrition affects the baby but it is also known that inadequate or improper nutrition will affect your birth. Empty calories (such as soda, coffee or candy) take the space that nutritious meals should. Nutrition plays a factor in symptoms such as nausea, baby’s growth, pre-eclampsia, etc Setting and care-provider Outside of nutrition and preexisting conditions, the single most important thing that is the foundation to getting the birth that you want is to select the care-giver that is right for you and your family. For example, if you are well-informed and know that you don’t want an episiotomy but choose to stay with a caregiver that believes that 50% of pregnant people “need” episiotomies (or has the statistics that show a high episiotomy rate), you are more than likely to have one, no matter how informed you are. Or if you have the best care-giver in the world but he/she happens to be on vacation and you end up with the back-up or the wrong nurse, it will affect the entire course of your labor and birth. |